Art Association welcomes new members

Christian Richey

Art Association Vice President Vinni Quagliato (right) and second-year transfer studies student Zev Berman work on projects

Christian Richey, Editor-in-Chief

Members of the Art Association said the club welcomes new members during a meeting Tuesday in Cade 312.

Club president Madison Likens said the club meets once a week and has students of numerous art styles working on projects.

“it’s a very open community for anyone that’s interested in art whether they doodle or whether they’re wanting to get into a professional field,” Likens, a third-year psychology student, said. “We meet once a week, in the Cade building for a few hours either work on projects [and] talk about future trips that we might be doing.”

Art Association Vice President Vinni Quagliato said the club planned to go to New York but are currently unsure due to the Coronavirus.

“With the Coronavirus and everything going on that’s apparently becoming a little bit foggy,” Quagliato, a second-year transfer studies student, said. “But it’s still possible potentially, but we kinda have to play that by ear at this point.”

Samantha Kent, a second-year visual arts student, said she enjoyed being a member of the club.

“It’s a lot of fun,” Kent said. “It’s a way for other artists to meet each other [and] build a community.”

Likens said those interested in joining can “just come to a meeting. … don’t be afraid to come to a meeting [and] get to know everyone.”