Athletics hires adviser for student athletes

Photo courtesy of Stephanie Eckert

AACC welcomes Stephanie Eckert, a new coordinator of student athlete success, this semester.

Nastya Mack, Reporter

A new coordinator of student athlete success started at AACC over the summer.

Stephanie Eckert, an adviser who works solely with student athletes, previously worked at University of Maryland as the assistant athletic academic counselor. 

“I am here to support [students] by connecting them with all the resources they need here to succeed,” Eckert said.  

The student athlete success coordinator serves as a mentor to student athletes as they finish their studies here and plan for their next moves.  

Former Coordinator of Student Athlete Success Trey Anderson was the first person to hold the position here. He left last semester.

Anderson created the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, which brings “athlete leaders” together … to discuss issues that are going on with their teams and bring it to the administration,” Hillary Fisher, assistant athletic director for communications, said. 

Eckert said she hopes to help the student athletes stay academically eligible to play on their teams. 

According to National Junior College Athletic Association, athletes must have a GPA of 1.75 or higher to stay on a community college sports team.

Eckert checks on the athletes’ academic progress, oversees study halls and connects the students with campus support services, Athletic Director Duane Herr said.

First-year student Jack Taylor, who plays guard for AACC’s basketball team, said  Eckert helped him choose his classes and start planning for graduation. He called her “really helpful,” noting, “It can be hard to manage sports and mixing classes.” 

DayeJon Harris, a basketball guard, agreed.

“Stephanie was very helpful, caught on quick and helped with my classes,” Harris, a first-year transfer studies student, said.