Signs on campus to be replaced, retrofitted

Photo by Zach Tennant

Two of the old and decrepit signs around campus to be replaced.

Mary McKiel, Campus Life Editor

AACC’s Board of Trustees approved a project on Sept. 13 to refurbish and retrofit signage on the Arnold campus.

The signs are being refurbished in order to improve readability of exterior way-finding and improve upon the placement around campus. 

According to the minutes of the Board meeting, work will occur in phases over the fall semester to minimize the disruption to students, faculty and staff. 

With the addition of 45 retrofitted building ID and map signs, the project also includes 44 new signs of the same type, 25 new parking lot ID signs, and one new LED sign for dining services.

Through a two-phase purchasing contract process, the Board awarded the work to Apple Signs, Inc. in Millersville, MD. 

“I am very excited that the Board recently approved the award of contract to Apple Signs to update and improve the college’s exterior signage on the Arnold campus,” Vice President for Learning Resource Management Melissa Beardmore said.  “The current signs are over 20 years old.  The update will also improve first responders’ ability to find their way around campus.” 

The project is funded through the Campus Improvement capital fund and is budgeted at over $292 thousand dollars.