7 Tips to Help Your Skin Survive the Winter

Helen Nguyen, Reporter

Winter makes it hard enough just to get out of bed, let alone maintain healthy beauty rituals. I have for you 7 simple tips to help prevent you from looking and feeling like Frosty the Snow Man. You might as well look good while you’re freezing your butt off trotting from class to class this semester!

1. Drink lots of water! It’s a pretty hard thing to discipline yourself to do, and it makes you have to run off to tinkle every 5 minutes, but the rewards are completely worth it. Water flushes out toxins and prevents you from breaking out. Try to drink about half a gallon a day. Infuse your water with fruits like strawberries and raspberries for fun!

2. Pick a good moisturizer. Moisturizer might be the most important thing in your beauty bag. Pick one that isn’t scented and can protect your face against the harsh winds. Imperialis from Lush is my personal favorite because it lets my skin breathe, but for an option that’s lighter on my pockets I use Cetaphil moisturizer for daily use. Imperialis can be found at any Lush stores or online and Cetaphil products can be found at any drug store.

3. Don’t over-exfoliate. Exfoliating may leave skin feeling smoother but it can also leave it irritated and red. Your skin can’t heal if you’re constantly scraping it up! Constant exfoliating can also prevent your skin from retaining the moisture it needs.

4. Get actual sleep, not college student sleep. We all know how hectic our schedules get, but for the greater good of your pores, try to get 8-10 hours or find time for cat naps!


5. Find time to de-stress. Between studying and working that part-time job, take some time out of your week to take a bath, wear a face-mask, deep condition your hair, and do whatever you need to do for a pick-me-up. A little “me” time goes a long way for your emotional health and what’s more beautiful than a happy glow?

6. Wash your face twice a day! It can be tedious but it helps your skin stay soft and moisturized. Don’t go to sleep with make-up on because it can clog your pores and create pimples and blackheads.

7. Stick to your regime! It can be difficult to remember to take care of yourself, but it’s the key. Don’t let yourself slip up— stick to your rituals. Results take time so it’s okay, just be patient and you will see results.