Je Suis Charlie


Chris Storck, director of student engagement

Josh Jensen, Report

“Friends and fellow students of AACC, thank you all for coming out today despite the weather. We had to honor our comrades who have fallen in the attack on Charlie Hebdo.

I must emphasize the importance of peace during today’s rally. The purpose of gathering today is about remembrance, but even more so, it’s about acknowledging the threat towards one of our most fundamental liberties: our freedom of speech.

Though many may not agree with the content of the publication, Charlie Hebdo was, above all, satire. They have pushed the limits of what many people consider “ok” for years.

These opinions aside, no one should fear the threat of death over what they choose to publicize or say, no matter their beliefs.

We are a generation of idealists and innovators. Romantics and philanthropists.

It is because of this that it is up to us to build a new and better world to live in.

I don’t know about all of you, but I for one will not stand for this kind of barbarism of our world.

We have tools and technologies that no other generation before us has had. We have not just cell phones, but smart phones. Through the use of the Internet, we have the ability to punish virtually anything from almost anywhere in the world.

It was through the use of Twitter that Egypt was liberated from an oppressive regime during the Arab spring.

These enemies of our free world may be able to kill, maim, and terrorize those fighting for free speech. They may even succeed in shutting entire publications down, but they will never be able to shut down the Internet, and therefore, our ability to speak our mind.

Friends— please join me in a moment of silence while we remember those who were cut down for speaking freely.

I am Charlie, you are Charlie, we are Charlie.

Je Suis Charlie!”