Students: Start some clubs

Hannah Claggett

Adventure Society club members take a camping trip to Shenandoah National Park in fall 2021.

Editorial Board

Our campus used to have almost 100 clubs, but now we have only about a dozen. That’s only 12% of what we had. 

Let’s get back to that. Let’s get plugged in with each other again. Let’s get together with our friends and make some clubs. 

More of us are on campus this semester. Most of us are vaccinated. Come on, let’s start socializing again. 

Students need to do more than just attend classes to have a true college experience. 

If you want to get that experience, create it yourself. Make some memories.

Don’t wait for someone else to start a club or form a group because chances are, someone else is waiting for you to do it. Take the initiative. 

If you take the initiative, before long, there will be a club for you. 

There might even be some clubs that are already meeting that you would want to join. 

If you’re a bit of an adrenaline junkie, you could explore some events with the Adventure Society. 

If you’re spiritual and are looking for fellowship with like-minded people, get connected with some religious clubs on campus like Experience Apostolic Campus Ministries. 

Whether it be a gaming club, science club, or even a leadership-oriented club like Campus Current or the Student Government Association, get out there and find a place to get connected with other students. 

If you don’t think there’s a club for you, get some friends together and make your own based on something you all have in common. 

It doesn’t even have to be an official club if you just want to try something out with a few friends at first. 

You don’t have to wait until things are “back to normal” completely. Maybe it’s just you and a couple of friends who have a unique interest or skill in common—so you might like to hang out with them. 

Go for it.