Campus celebrates Women’s History Month in March

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All of the college’s Women’s History Month events will be online this year.

Lilly Roser, Reporter

Anne Arundel Community College will celebrate Women’s History Month in March with a dozen virtual events. 

Every year AACC holds events for the community, faculty, staff and students to celebrate women’s history. 

This year’s events will come from departments across campus, according to librarian Sophie Reverdy, co-chair of this year’s Women’s History Month observation at AACC.

“We had a lot of energy this year from faculty members in different departments that wanted to organize events,” she said. “So we’ve got some events being organized by science faculty, some by English.”

The result, Reverdy said, is that “I’m looking forward to an opportunity …  to see faculty and students and community members that may not typically engage with each other come together in conversation.”

English professor Shelley DeBlasis, Reverdy’s co-chair, agreed that March is a month to bring up challenging conversations and get more educated about and aware of women’s issues.

Because of COVID-19, all of this month’s events will be online except a Women’s History Month exhibit on the second floor of Truxal Library called “Connections, Community and Change.”

Reverdy said she is most excited about a month-long Wikipedia Edit-a-thon, which will give participants access to Wikipedia training tutorials so they can  publish more information about women’s history on the site.

DeBlasis said she is looking forward to an event called Soapbox Sisters that invites students to read stories by and about women through history.

Other virtual events include:

All month

Wikipedia Edit-a-thon 

March 4, 3  p.m.

Roundtable. Women in Politics Today Roundtable.

March 4, 6 p.m.

Discussion. The Lady of the House: An Intimate Dialogue About Black & White Women During the Civil War.

March 7, 4 p.m.

TED Talk. Temple Grandin: The World Needs All Kinds of Minds. Discussion to follow. 

March 10, 3 p.m.

Lesson. Cultural Competency in STEM, which will teach cultural awareness.

March 11, 1 p.m.

Viewing. Taking Root, a documentary about the life of Wangari Maathai, who planted trees and started a movement inspiring ecological justice and human rights advocacy around the globe. 

March 15, 7 p.m.

Poetry. An Evening of Poetry and Open Mic with Melania Louisa Marte.

March 16, 3:30 p.m.

Panel. Women in Science Virtual Discussion Panel open to the public. 

March 19, 10 a.m.

Coaching. Beyond 45: Coaching Women to Make Their Own History Through Connection, Community, and Change at Age 45 and Beyond  will inspire women at a crossroads.

March 29, 8 p.m.

TED Talk. Clarice Phelps: How I gained a seat at the periodic table. Discussion to follow.

March 30, 4 p.m.

Readings. Soapbox Sisters will consist of dramatic readings of significant poems and speeches that emerged from women all across the globe.

March 30, 8 p.m.

TED Talk. How CRISPR Lets Us Edit Our DNA by Jennifer Doudna will be displayed.