Students bond, pray together on campus

Photo courtesy of Chiara Carroll

First-year student Jaron Carroll is a leader of the Experience Apostolic Campus Ministries Club.

Dan Elson, Editor-in-Chief

Fifteen to 20 students gather in the cafeteria, on the Quad or in the library every Wednesday for about two hours to discuss God, spread love and pray together.

They are members of a club called Experience Apostolic Campus Ministries.

First-year computer software engineering student Jaron Carroll, one of the students in charge, said he wants the lives of club members to improve because of their participation.

“Especially during COVID-19, there’s so many people who are dealing with and struggling with stuff and everybody in this world [is] looking for something real and we’re going to give that to [them],” Carroll said.

Former SGA President Paul Trader, created this 20-year-old club, which Carroll and first-year business administration student Matthew Lewis run together.

The leaders said students of all religions are welcome to join.

“I feel like it’s more special when there’s more people around,” first-year computer science student Ian Middleton said. “Trying to learn more about the Bible, or more about God [for] myself, it’s pretty cool to be praying for more people, definitely.”

Middleton said he made new friends when he joined the club.

“It’s a great thing to do,” Middleton said. “Everybody should have a relationship with [God]. Don’t feel nervous or shy if you don’t know anything because nobody [in the club will] judge [and we] just spread love and more. The more the merrier.”

Lewis said he plans to continue to help grow the club.