Poll: Students on campus this semester prefer face-to-face classes
Face-to-face students in a Campus Current survey say they prefer taking classes on campus rather than online.
November 2, 2021
AACC students who are taking in-person classes this semester said in October they prefer the face-to-face format over virtual courses.
In an informal poll of 50 students on the Arnold campus, 48 said they prefer coming to campus for class rather than staying home and learning virtually. All said they plan to take in-person classes again next semester.
“I think it’s good,” Giavonnie Gilbert, a forensic science major, said. “I feel like it makes us feel more normal now, especially since for a long time we didn’t have” in-person classes.
The college has been mostly virtual since March 2020 because of Covid 19 and has gradually started to reopen for students.
This semester AACC offered 30% of classes in person.
“I definitely prefer them over online,” Emily Rupard said. “I feel like I’m getting the information in my head better.”
Second-year communication student Ava Moore said she likes being back on campus, but called it “an adjustment.”
“I feel a little weird being back and seeing each other again, but I definitely feel better being here than online,” Moore said. “I feel like it’s more interactive.”
First-year physical therapy student Katie Alberto agreed.” I am a visual learner. … If I stay home, I get distracted easily.”
Two students from the poll said they prefer to stay virtual and plan to enroll online next semester.
“I learn better in person, but I feel like if I was online I could do so much more and get more work done,” Leo Lee, a nursing student, said.