“We’re All Brothers”: LAX Coach, captains rally around hospitalized teammate
AACC Men’s Lacrosse player Rob Gilman and family members were critically injured in a car crash last Friday. Friends of Gilman report he is recovering quickly.
March 14, 2019
Last Friday AACC Lacrosse player Robert Gilman, barely survived a major car accident.
Despite arriving in critical condition, the Lacrosse team visited Gilman on Tuesday and report he and his family, who were also injured, are recovering and in good spirits.
“Rob’s a solid player and a better person,” lacrosse head coach Joe Stanilaus said while watching over his team at practice today. “Getting the news [about the accident] before going to play was tough.”
Stanilaus stated the team is close and they all checked in on Gilman as soon as they could.
“We went out to see him as a team on Tuesday, and he was in good spirits,” Stanilaus said. “We expect him to make a full recovery.”

CAPTION: Lacrosse team captains Joseph Niles, Cameron King, Jordan Kopf, and James Dipietro all wish their teammate and “brother” a speedy recovery.
Gilman plays a defensive position and his team appreciates his consistent performance and solid work ethic.
“Rob’s a great guy, one of the nicest on the team,” Joseph Niles, a team captain who also plays midfield, said.“He works hard and does his job. He’s not one of the crazier or more rambunctious guys. He just gets his work done.”
Niles added that Gilman was in a good mood when the team saw him Tuesday.
Though they could only visit him two at a time because of the seriousness of his condition, he seemed to appreciate the team’s visit.
“He was joking around,” Niles smiled. “He told us he would try to get out of there soon.”
Cameron King, a team captain who plays defensive, also said Gilman’s presence is missed.
“Rob’s a great guy,” he said. “Love him. He brings a great energy to the team.”
King said of their Tuesday visit with Gilman, “He was giddy [but] he was off the drugs. He was watching TV and was excited about a game that was on. He was cheering the players with us.”

Men’s Lax players are wishing a healthy recovery to their injured teammate, Rob Gilman.
Jordan Kopf, team captain and attack position, summed up the team’s feelings for their hospitalized teammate: “He’s one of our brothers … when we heard the news it really hit us.”
Kopf became a little emotional, despite the tough veneer of his position as a leader on the team.
“He had obviously been through a lot,” Kopf said of his visit with Gilman. “But he lit up when he saw us all. I’m sure it really helped him a lot [to see us there].”
“I spent a lot of time with [Gilman] in New York for an away game,” James Dipietro, a team captain and defensive midfield, said. “He’s a nice guy. Always encouraging even though he’s injured. He’s still a part of the team.”
“He said he’s still going to come out to the games as soon as he’s able to,” Dipietro added.
After practice ended, Stanilaus called his team together and reminded them to stay safe even when off the field.