SGA announces presidential nominees

Elizabeth Spearman, Campus Life Editor

The Student Government Association announced the presidential nominees for the 2017-2018 term on April 3.

Emily Dreszer and Johnathan O’Dea both accepted their nominations for the position at the Advisory Council Meeting on Monday afternoon.

Emily Dreszer is a third-year political science major, secretary of the SGA and president of the One Love Club.

“I want to make sure that all of our students are being represented, especially at our satellite campuses,” Dreszer said. “There is still a lot of issues that students have and I hope to address that if I become president.”

Dreszer also would like to bring student clubs to the Arundel Mills and Glen Burnie campuses so students there can have that sense of engagement.

O’Dea is a third-year digital forensics major, a member of SGA and president of Gay-Straight Alliance.

“Next year, my work will be gearing the SGA and all of our senators, finding out what the student concerns are and working towards fixing them,” O’Dea said.

“I also will be working with the [Campus Activities Board] president next year, whoever he or she may be, to gear CAB towards doing most if not all the main events here on campus,” O’Dea said.

Elections will be held April 24-28 and the winner will be announced on May 1 at the Advisory Council Meeting.