Photo Friday: autumn perspective at AACC

Judi Handel, Staff Photographer

Photographer Judi Handel journeyed through campus capturing the seasonal changes of fall. As she documented her path through AACC’s campus, she highlighted the quietness of the season through her insightful captions.

img_2283-copyTitle: Abandoned

“Took this in front of the library in the school quad.”

img_2294-copyTitle: The New Kid

“I took this on the stairs exiting the quad heading to the bookstore/gymnasium.”

img_2296-copyTitle: Steps to success: Fall edition 

These are the steps leading to the quad and to the library and other classroom building. These were outside of the library and near the gymnasium. 

img_2315-copyTitle: Waiting for that text

Description: I took this right before the bridge heading to the CADE and CALT building. 

img_2328-copyTitle: A Journey before class

Description: This is the bridge leading to the CADE and CALT buildings.